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Writer's pictureAmy Fairbridge

Got The Productivity Blues? 3 Tell Tale Signs That A Weekly Reset Is The Cure

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

So you want to be more productive? And you want to try a Weekly Reset on for size?

Before you dive headfirst into a Weekly Reset session, it's best to have confidence that weekly planning is for you.

This article explores how A Weekly Reset fosters Soulful productivity, and looks at three tell tale signs that a Weekly Reset may very well be the cure to your productivity blues.

Sign #1. You could learn a thing or two about boundaries.

If you’re struggling with maintaining healthy boundaries, you’ll likely notice - if you dig deep enough - that the struggle goes beyond mastering toxic relationships. Most likely, your biggest boundary battle is rooted in poor time and energy management.

For example, you might find yourself engaging in things that aren’t aligned with your greater purpose: things that deplete you rather than energize you. Living in reactivity, you find yourself at the mercy of 911s, other people’s priorities, and a whole lot of shit that leaves you drained and frustrated week over week, even if (or perhaps because) you are doing it all from a place of empathy, love and compassion, fueled by your desire to serve others.

Being skilled at healthy boundary setting allows you to be intentional with your time and energy by prioritizing the things that feel aligned. Setting healthy boundaries is a key ingredient to effective weekly planning.

A Weekly Reset teaches you effective boundary setting by empowering you to say No.

When saying No from an empowered place you are saying Yes to You and the community you serve, allowing you to be Soulfully Productive, every week.

Sign #2. Your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual body could use a tune-up.

A Weekly Reset prioritizes holistic self-care, making the elusive work-life balance attainable and sustainable.

When you take time to plan, you make time for You.

Making time for You means blocking time for rest, exercise and creativity - 3 keys to a holistic and balanced lifestyle. And this is the lifestyle that fosters Soulful Productivity.

Studies have proven that the more restorative time you have, the more productive you are.

A rested mind, body and soul can dive into work from a rejuvenated, empowered, and high-functioning place, producing results unimaginable by the chronically tired robot mind-body.

Powering through a 40+ hour work week, and maintaining a strict 9-5 schedule simply isn’t sustainable if you aren’t prioritizing your well being.

A Weekly Reset makes space to pause and connect to the Self on a regular basis.

It's this intentional pause in honor of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies that makes powerful productivity possible.

Sign # 3. You feel confused, unmotivated or frustrated by ever growing to do lists, relentless distractions, and lack of clarity.

When you are overwhelmed and clarity is elusive it can feel impossible to discern which path to take. In fact, you likely can’t see any paths at all. This is where A Weekly Reset comes in.

A Weekly Reset cultivates space for critical thinking and strategizing.

Doing weekly planning well, and on a consistent basis, fine tunes your attention management skills so that you can tame distractions and hone in on what is vital right here, right now, while simultaneously seeing the bigger picture.

The desired result of A Weekly Reset is Soulful Productivity.

But really, it’s about the journey. A Weekly Reset clears the chaos, allowing you to see the path, and feel genuinely excited about journeying through a productive week.

Now I want to let you in on a little secret.

It was my awareness and acknowledgment of these very signs:

1. a lack of healthy boundaries in my professional life,

2. a complete disconnect from Self that resulted in extreme burnout, and

3. the incessant frustration due to a lack of clarity,

that fueled the development of The Soulful Productivity Program and the #dolessbemore philosophy.

The The Soulful Productivity Program inspires people like you and me, to live a more aligned and productive life. To #dolessbemore.

And it all begins with A Weekly Reset.

Soulful Productivity is my signature program, where participants create a personalized productivity system with the #dolessbemore philosophy. In this 9-week intensive, you students learn how to integrate The Weekly Reset into their lives so that they can practice healthy boundaries and attune to a holistic and balanced lifestyle, with clarity and a renewed sense of energy.

Find out more about this offering, and reserve your spot here.

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