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Hand in Water


Needing things to change, but haven't a clue where to begin?

If you're experiencing...
  • ​perfectionist paralysis

  • chronic exhaustion

  • debilitating stress

  • overwhelm

  • burnout

I can help you shift towards...
  • balance

  • freedom

  • peace of mind

  • clarity & control

  • joy & excitement

Amy Fairbridge Do Less Be More Coaching
Here's the scoop.

Based in Vancouver, BC I am an Intuitive Productivity Coach on a mission to eradicate burnout. 


If you can sense that there's more to life than what hustle culture is leading you to believe...


but you aren't sure how to escape the pressure of it all...


and you're overwhelmed by all the productivity tools out there...


and you don't know where to start...


Then you're in the right place.


Overwhelm and burnout don't discriminate, so I want to give you some examples of the types of LEADERS I support: 


  • Working Parents who are feeling tired, discouraged, and unfulfilled (the work-from-home pandemic struggle is real).

  • High-Achieving Creatives whose big dreams are waging war with perfectionism, endless distractions, and poor self-discipline.

  • Solopreneurs who have the best of intentions but just aren’t as productive as they wish they were, and are looking for accountability and support in optimizing their week.


My offerings include coaching, consulting, and courses, including my 9-week signature group program to help you:

  • get clarity so that you can take the first steps to....

  • tackle the chaos, get organized, and...

  • feel accomplished knowing that you're spending time and energy on the things that matter most to you.

What results can I expect?

Proactive AF      more space for critical thinking & proactive planning to replace reactive decision making

Productive AF   a mindful approach to sustainable productivity

Meetings are more efficient and productive than ever.


I complete projects early, and I am proud of the work I do.


I look forward to the work week because I am prepared and in control of my schedule.



Team Productivity

Simple AF         an automated workflow enabling you to achieve optimal performance

Aligned AF        a deeper connection with your Soul, authentically living your purpose


I confidently say no to the things that don't serve my greater purpose.


I enjoy nutritious home cooked meals with my family - every night.


Pesky tasks that used to bog me down are now automated or delegated.



 Alignment Warrior Two

Peaceful AF       peace of mind in a trusted system where nothing gets dropped

Energized AF    enhanced energy to enjoy life designed for your ultimate pleasure

I never miss celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.


My weekends are spent relaxing, connecting, and learning new hobbies.


I take regular vacations.  REAL vacations, where I am completely unplugged.

The Benefits

Less guilt, more celebrated milestones.

Less overwhelm from endless emails, more pleasure & sexy dinner dates. 

Less exhaustion from putting out fires, more cozying up with a book by the fire.

Less stressful distractions & interruptions, more creative exploration.   

Less disappointing evenings away from family working late,

more afternoons hiking forest trails with the kids.  

Less frustration with redundant tasks, more inspirational flow.

Less unproductive meetings, more game-changing decision-making.

Less compromising values, more intentional service to others.

Less missed appointments, more human connection.

Outside Dinner
What does 'do less. be more.' mean?
The Philosophy

When your relationship with productivity shifts and you practice behaviors that both honor your Soul and support your inner-most desires, you have the power and clarity to make lasting transformation happen. Do Less Be More is embraces Soulful Productivity and is rooted in:


Simplicity  Less is always more. Quality > Quantity.

Integrity    We do what we say and what we do is in alignment with the core of who we are.

Pleasure    We believe that life is meant to be enjoyed.  We’re human Be-ings, not Human Do-ings.

Freedom   The goal is unhindered, liberated sovereignty.

Flow          Through intentional action we transcend time, aligning purpose, passion, & productivity.

Ready to do less and be more?

Join the community to get first dibs on new offerings and receive inspiration, advice, and tips in a monthly newsletter.

Hiking Boots
Dressing Up Dad
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"If you need to organize any aspect of your life, Amy is the person to do it."  read more

What's involved?

Together we weed out what's not working, get clear on the most important things, and hone in on what lights you up! You'll feel peaceful, connected, and re-energized: ready to do the work to make lasting change.


With my support, you'll learn and integrate a simple, functional system that makes sense for you.  You'll create habits that actually stick, and have access to game changing tools to make magic out of the chaos you're currently living in.


With clarity, focus, and an evolved understanding of what productivity really means, you will be the Master of your time so that you can start living the life of your dreams.

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